Case Study
GenAI-based Accounts Payable Invoice Processing for an Electrical appliance manufacturing client in India.
Vendors send their invoice in PDF format to client over email or update them in the client’s vendor portal. These invoices are then extracted using OCR and are manually processed.
The challenge is digitizing with manual resource and further manual processing in 10+ locations is cumbersome, costly and error prone. The client wanted to automate, reduce the operational cost by one fifth and stay at error rate less than 1%.
Vendors send their invoice in PDF format to client over email or update them in the client’s vendor portal. These invoices are then extracted using OCR and are manually processed.
These invoices are then extracted using OCR and are manually processed.
The challenge is digitizing with manual resource and further manual processing in 10+ locations is cumbersome, costly and error prone. The client want to automate, reduce the operational cost by one fifth and stay at error rate less than 1%.